Ms. G. Preaching and Teaching

For those who don’t know, Ms. Giovingo (Ms. G.) is the new Morality teacher at Messmer High School.  Ms. G. had the honor of serving God in a religious community. She was deciding to become a nun. She worked with underprivileged youth, and youth ministry. Before Messmer, Ms. G. taught freshmen and junior Theology at St. Edward Central Catholic High School in Elgin IL. 
Ms. G. says she loves teaching people who are willing to soak up knowledge. Ms. Giovingo says her teaching style is very balanced. She loves to lecture and give wisdom about God. Teaching also challenges her, "Teaching challenges me to stretch myself beyond where I think I can go, to better help another understand a concept." Ms. G. hopes to bring joy and the love of God to Messmer. So far she says, “I love the family atmosphere that is portrayed everywhere I turn at Messmer.” 
We are happy to have Ms. G. as part of the Messmer community. Introduce yourself if you see her to make her feel even more welcome.

--Contributed by Junior Ishmael Ali