Mr. Petrie's Past and Present

Born and raised on a dairy farm, Mr. Kollin Petrie is new to the Messmer community. Mr. Petrie’s family has cows, some cats, and a dog named Jackson that could do the moonwalk. 
Mr. Petrie teaches Theology 1 and Theology 2. This is his first year teaching at the high school level. Mr. Petrie said, “Although I am quite new, I am already getting a sense of what makes Messmer students unique. It is a privilege to work with the students and a pleasure to help them succeed, by making them think about big questions regarding life, love, and God.”   
He graduated from Marquette University in 2011 where he majored in Theology and took classes in Economics, German, Biology, and Philosophy. He was involved in a lot of music ministry activities on campus, including singing in the Liturgical Choir and playing the guitar for mass. He has experience teaching a religious education program for church, and he has given guitar lessons. Mr. Petrie enjoys reading, playing basketball with friends, and playing the guitar. In his free time Mr. Petrie also tries to exercise or spend time with friends and family. 
Mr. Petrie is a pretty big sports guy, having played football, basketball, and baseball in high school.  He is also interested in learning new languages; right now he is learning Spanish little by little. We are happy to welcome Mr. Petrie to the home of the Bishops!

--Contributed by Sophomore Savannah Short