Welcoming Mr. Wells

Messmer would like to introduce Mr. Wells to the students as a new Math teacher. As a man who grew up in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Mr. Wells chose to teach at Messmer High School to make a difference in the lives of students through Mathematics.  

His teaching style is unique, as he listens and learns from his students through various activities.  He has used this method of teaching at Whitewater University and Milton High School, a school near Janesville, Wisconsin. If Mr. Wells had chosen another profession, he would have become an officer for the Department of Natural Resources. 
In his free time, Mr. Wells can be found playing basketball, golf, or reading a good mystery novel. His favorite movie is Forest Grump because of its historical value and the fact that the lead character reminds him of himself. He plans on helping out with the Messmer basketball team as well as working with the LEADERS after school program. While at Messmer, Mr. Wells expects to gain a deeper understanding of teaching and to strengthen his faith. Make Mr. Wells feel a welcome part of the Messmer family!

--Contributed by junior Michaun Cobb