Guitar Club is Rockin' It!

Mr. Greg Flattery and Mr. Kollin Petrie. That's all you need to know to figure out how great Guitar Club is.
This club meets on Thursdays after school, and students learn how to play the guitar: chording, strumming, and the notes. But this club is more than that, it's also a way for students to show and develop their creativity. Mr. Flattery said, "It is a music club where students from all abilities and interests meet to share and learn the skill and understanding of the guitar." 
Freshman Noemi Gutierrez added, "What I like most about guitar club is that it is not as hard as I thought, and the people are nice." Noemi and other students enjoy being in such a fun environment.
Learning guitar can be fun yet difficult when working with all the strings and different notes. Mr. Flattery said, "It can be an easy task as long as you are passionate and patient. The difficulty usually comes from having enough instruments, strings, and the opportunity for students to play outside of the club." Noemi agrees, "It is not hard at all because I have a good teacher and friends to help me out when I can’t get a note right." 
When asked why the club is offered, Mr. Flattery said, "My reason for offering guitar club comes from a desire to share my knowledge and love of guitar with others." Noemi said, "It is easy to learn and be good at playing the guitar if you put your heart into it." 
Are you ready to rock?

--Contributed by Ramanda Davis, sophomore