Hispanic Heritage Month Presents Peru

Hispanic Heritage Month is here! This celebration is from September 15 to October 15. Mrs. Cristina Edgar, Spanish teacher, and Ms. Suzanne Welsh, Latino Coordinator, are organizing the events with the help of students. This special month gives us a chance to learn about our students' different backgrounds. The purpose is to be open to new cultures, ideas, and people, and to accepting everyone as brothers and sisters. Mexico is not the only country we celebrate; we also recognize all Hispanic cultures including South and Central America, Puerto Rico, and Spain.
Last year, the theme was Caribbean. Mrs. Edgar said, “Every year we change the theme to learn from other countries and cultures, so this year's theme is Peru.” The Spanish classes are helping the celebration by creating posters to be hung in the halls of MHS to create the spirit of Hispanic Heritage. The month will culminate in the ever popular Hispanic Heritage Assembly. In this production, there will be many surprises including Peru’s music, culture, and traditions. “Some challenges are having the time to organize, meeting with the students, and practicing for the assembly,” said Mrs. Edgar.  By celebrating this month every year, students learn that there are many different cultures around the world, each with a unique environment. Mrs. Edgar states, “This year is going to be an excellent Heritage Month!”

--Contributed by Sophomore Jessica Gregorio